Frequently Asked Questions

Question: When should I contact my insurance agent?
Answer: Many factors impact the design of your policy and the premium charged for it. Because of this, there are a variety of circumstances that warrant a visit with your agent - here are a few to consider. You should reach out any time you need to file a claim or think you may need to file a claim. Communicate with your agent when you buy or sell property or a vehicle. Have you moved, had a change in marital status or a change in who lives with you? Reach out and let us know. If you are a business customer, contact your agent if there have been changes in what your company does, in your revenue sources, significant changes in payroll, or changes in ownership.
Question: How can I pay my premium bill?
Answer: Options for paying your bill vary depending on your carrier. To eliminate issues with mail delays and avoid late fees, we recommend paying your bill by EFT. You may also pay your bill by phone or at your carrier's website by e-check (one-time EFT), credit card, or debit card. If these options don't work for you, you can call our office during normal business hours and we may be able to assist you with making a payment by credit or debit card, or electronic check over the phone.
If electronic payments are not feasible, you can mail your payment in the envelope provided with your bill. We recommend allowing 7-10 days for delivery and processing of mailed payments. You may also pay your premium in our office during normal business hours.
For a list of our carriers and links to their websites, click here.
To pay an invoice payable to our Insurance by Strehlow, click here.
Question: I called or stopped in the office in the past. What if I can't remember who I talked to last time?
Answer: That's okay. We have multiple licensed staff available to help you. Let us know what you need and we will direct you to someone who can help you.
Question: What if I purchase a vehicle over the weekend?
Answer: In Minnesota, if you already have a personal auto policy in-force, a newly acquired private passenger auto is automatically covered with the same coverage as the existing vehicles, with some limitations. The new vehicle must be added to your policy within 14 days of purchase. If you do not have a personal auto policy in force, you may arrange coverage Monday - Friday during normal business hours.
Question: If I am satisfied with the price, do I need to think about anything else?
Answer: Yes, insurance can do more for you than help you comply with laws or loan agreements. Whether it is your personal or business coverage, if we haven't discussed changes in your circumstances, it might be time for a coverage review so you can confirm that you have the coverage you want. Contact our office and we will schedule a time to review your coverage and discuss your needs.
Question: Can Insurance By Strehlow help me with ALL my insurance needs?
Answer: At Insurance By Strehlow, we see ourselves as "generalists." That means that we don't specialize in a narrow demographic or in a segment of business types. So, we can help most people and businesses that come to us for assistance with their insurance needs. But we can't help everyone, and there are many factors that affect an agency's ability to connect a client with an insurance product; here are just two.
Market conditions. Insurance carriers "appetite" for new business changes based on claims experience and economic factors. This can make the carriers more open or less open to writing certain types of policies.
Access to carriers and products. We are not appointed to write policies with EVERY insurance company. Instead we partner with a limited number of carriers with which we have a good working relationship and that can satisfy the needs of most people.
Your Options
​​We and our carriers offer a range of options for how you can do business with us. Let us know what is important to you and we will help find the options that work best for you. ​
Some choices you may have are:
How you communicate with us: phone, email, text or in person visits.
How you receive your insurance documents: paper or paperless via email.
How you pay your premiums: EFT, credit card, debit card, electronic check, ACH or cash.